Can a Nurse Practitioner Open a Medical Spa in Georgia?

Opening a medspa can be an attractive and cost-effective way for nurse practitioners to use their skills in a business venture. Careful consideration should be taken when planning such an endeavor, particularly when it comes to state scope of practice, supervision, and training requirements. Many non-medical businessmen and healthcare professionals recognize the potential of medical spa ownership, but are uncertain of how to proceed. The truth is that in most U.

S. states, the services provided by medical spas are considered medical. Under the legal doctrine known as the “corporate practice of medicine”, only a doctor or a corporation owned by a doctor can own a medical facility. Additionally, only physicians or corporations owned by physicians can collect patient fees for the provision of medical services.

So, can a nurse practitioner open a medspa in Georgia?The American MedSpa Association provides an overview of state guidelines regarding who can start a consultation with or employ a doctor, although access to this resource requires becoming a member of the organization. Unfortunately, some entrepreneurs open medspas that violate the doctrine of corporate practice of medicine, either due to ignorance of the rules or unwillingness to comply with them.Before opening the doors of your MedSpa, make sure that you and your staff are properly trained in the administration of cosmetic procedures. Not only should you review the scope of practice guidelines for NPs in your state, but you should also refer to specific guidelines for owning a MedSpa or a practice that offers cosmetic procedures. A nurse practitioner reader recently posted a comment on ThriveAP related to MedSpas and delegation to estheticians.

Similar guidelines may exist for nursing professionals who delegate nurses or estheticians in the MedSpa environment.A number of enterprising nurse practitioners are taking the MedSpa route, opening practices that offer cosmetic procedures.